
  • Dispersion of first sound in a weakly interacting ultracold Fermi liquid: an exact calculation. 
    Thomas Repplinger, Songtao Huang, Yunpeng Ji, Nir Navon, Hadrien Kurkjian.
  • Probing pair correlations in Fermi gases with Ramsey-Bragg interferometry. 
    Théo Malas-Danzé, Alexandre Dugelay, Nir Navon, Hadrien Kurkjian.
  • Emergence of Sound in a Tunable Fermi Fluid. 
    Songtao Huang, Yunpeng Ji, Thomas Repplinger, Gabriel G. T. Assumpção, Jianyi Chen, Grant L. Schumacher, Franklin J. Vivanco, Hadrien Kurkjian, Nir Navon.
  • An Equation of State for Turbulence in the Gross-Pitaevskii model. 
    Gevorg Martirosyan, Kazuya Fujimoto, Nir Navon.
  • Observation of the Fermionic Joule-Thomson Effect. 
    Yunpeng Ji, Jianyi Chen, Grant L. Schumacher, Gabriel G. T.Assumpção, Songtao Huang, Franklin J. Vivanco, Nir Navon.
  • The strongly driven Fermi polaron. 
    Franklin J. Vivanco, Alexander Schuckert, Songtao Huang, Grant L. Schumacher, Gabriel G. T. Assumpção, Yunpeng Ji, Jianyi Chen, Michael Knap, Nir Navon.
  • Observation of Anomalous Decay of a Polarized Three-Component Fermi Gas. 
    Grant L. Schumacher, Jere T. Mäkinen, Yunpeng Ji, Gabriel G. T. Assumpção, Jianyi Chen, Songtao Huang, Franklin J. Vivanco, Nir Navon.
  • Emergent isotropy of a wave-turbulent cascade in the Gross-Pitaevskii model. 
    Yuto Sano, Nir Navon, Makoto Tsubota.
  • Stability of the Repulsive Fermi Gas with Contact Interactions.
    Yunpeng Ji, Grant L. Schumacher, Gabriel G. T. Assumpção, Jianyi Chen, Jere T. Mäkinen, Franklin J. Vivanco, Nir Navon.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 129,203402 (2022)
  • Quantum gases in optical boxes.  
    N. Navon, R.P. Smith, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Nature Physics 17, 1334 (2021)
  • Synthetic dissipation and cascade fluxes in a turbulent quantum gas.
    N. Navon, C. Eigen, J. Zhang, R. Lopes, A.L. Gaunt, K. Fujimoto, M. Tsubota, R.P. Smith, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Science 366, 382 (2019)
  • Elliptic flow in a strongly-interacting normal Bose gas.
    R.J. Fletcher, J. Man, R. Lopes, P. Christodoulou, J. Schmitt, M. Sohmen, N. Navon, R.P. Smith, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Phys. Rev. A 98, 011601(R) (2018)
  • Universal Scaling Laws in the Dynamics of A Homogeneous Unitary Bose Gas.
    C. Eigen, J.A.P. Glidden, R. Lopes, N. Navon, Z. Hadzibabic, R. P. Smith.
    Phys Rev. Lett. 119, 250404 (2017)
  • Quantum depletion of a homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate.
    R. Lopes, C. Eigen, N. Navon, D. ClÈment, R.P. Smith, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 190404 (2017).
    Selected as an Editors’ Suggestion
  • Quasiparticle energy in a strongly interacting homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate.
    R. Lopes, C. Eigen, A. Barker, K.G.H. Viebahn, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, N. Navon, Z. Hadzibabic, R. P. Smith.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 210401 (2017)
  • Exploring the Kibble-Zurek mechanism with homogeneous Bose gases.
    J. Beugnon, N. Navon.
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 022002 (2017)
  • Observation of Weak Collapse in a Bose-Einstein Condensate.
    C. Eigen, A.L. Gaunt, A. Suleymanzade, N. Navon, Z. Hadzibabic, R.P. Smith.
    Phys. Rev. X 6, 041058 (2016)
  • Two and Three-body Contacts in the Unitary Bose Gas.
    R.J. Fletcher, R. Lopes, J. Man, N. Navon, R.P. Smith, M.W.  Zwierlein, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Science 335, 377 (2016).
  • Emergence of a Turbulent Cascade in a Quantum Gas.
    N. Navon, A.L. Gaunt, R.P. Smith, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Nature  539, 72 (2016).
    News & Views by B.P. Anderson “Fluid dynamics: Turbulence in a quantum gas”.
  • Universal gate-set for trapped-ion qubits using a narrow linewidth diode laser.
    N. Akerman, N. Navon, S. Kotler, Y. Glickman, R. Ozeri.
    New. J. Phys. 17, 113060 (2015)
  • Connecting Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless and BEC phase transitions by tuning interactions in a trapped gas.
    R.J. Fletcher, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, J. Man, N. Navon, R.P. Smith, K. Viebahn, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 255302 (2015).
    Selected as an Editors’ Suggestion 
  • Critical Dynamics of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a Homogeneous Bose gas.
    N. Navon, A.L. Gaunt, R.P. Smith, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Science 347, 167 (2015).
    Perspective by G. Ferrari “Dynamics of a cold quantum gas” 
  • Quantum Process Tomography of a Molmer-Sorensen Interaction.
    N. Navon, N. Akerman, S. Kotler, Y. Glickman, R. Ozeri.
    Phys. Rev. A 90, 010103(R) (2014)
  • Measurement of the magnetic interaction between two bound electrons of two separate ions.
    S. Kotler, N. Akerman, N. Navon, Y. Glickman, R. Ozeri.
    Nature 510, 376 (2014).
    News & Views by F. Schmidt-Kaler “Quantum physics: Feel the force”. Selected as ‘Physics World’ Top Ten Breakthrough (2014) 
  • Observing Properties of an Interacting Homogeneous Bose–Einstein Condensate: Heisenberg-Limited Momentum Spread,
    Interaction Energy and Free-Expansion Dynamics.

    I. Gotlibovych, T.F. Schmidutz, A.L. Gaunt, N. Navon, R.P. Smith, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Phys. Rev. A 89, 061604(R) (2014)
  • Quantum Joule-Thomson Effect in a Saturated Homogeneous Bose Gas.
    T.F. Schmidutz, I. Gotlibovych, A.L. Gaunt, R.P. Smith, N. Navon, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 040403 (2014)
  • Stability of a unitary Bose gas.
    R.J. Fletcher, A.L. Gaunt, N. Navon, R.P. Smith, Z. Hadzibabic.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 125303 (2013)
  • Condensation Energy of a Spin-1/2 Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas.
    N. Navon, S. NascimbËne, X. Leyronas, F. Chevy, C. Salomon.
    Phys. Rev A 88, 063614 (2013)
  • Addressing Two-Level Systems Variably Coupled to an Oscillating Field.
    N. Navon, S. Kotler, N. Akerman, Y. Glickman, I. Almog, R. Ozeri.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 073001 (2013)
  • Lifetime of the Bose Gas with Resonant Interactions.
    B.S. Rem, A.T. Grier, I. Ferrier-Barbut, U. Eismann, T. Langen, N. Navon, L. Khaykovich, F. Werner, D.S. Petrov, F. Chevy, C. Salomon.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 163202 (2013)
  • Dynamics and Thermodynamics of the Low-Temperature Strongly Interacting Bose Gas.
    N. Navon, S. Piatecki, K. Gunter, B. Rem, T.C. Nguyen, F. Chevy, W. Krauth, C. Salomon.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 135301 (2011)
  • Fermi-Liquid Behavior of the Normal Phase of a Strongly Interacting Gas of Cold Atoms.
    S. NascimbËne, N. Navon, F. Chevy, C. Salomon.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 215303 (2011)
  • The equation of state of Bose and Fermi gases: a few examples.
    S. NascimbËne, N. Navon, F. Chevy, C. Salomon.
    New J. Phys. 12, 103026 (2010)
  • The Equation of State of a Low-Temperature Fermi Gas with Tunable Interactions.
    N. Navon, S. NascimbËne, F. Chevy, C. Salomon.
    Science 328, 729 (2010)
  • Exploring the thermodynamics of a universal Fermi gas.
    S. NascimbËne, N. Navon, K. Jiang, F. Chevy, C. Salomon.
    Nature 463, 1057 (2010).
    News & Views by Y. Shin “Low-temperature physics: Surprise in the strong regime”
  • Collective oscillations of an Imbalanced Fermi Gas: Axial Compression Modes and Polaron Effective Mass.
    S. NascimbËne, N. Navon, K. Jiang, L. Tarruell, M. Teichmann, J. McKeever, F. Chevy, C. Salomon.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 170402 (2009)